Sheyanne + Dan

I had the opportunity to second shoot the awesome photographer Aaron Wilcox for a wedding in San Clemente. It's really funny because we were so different, but yet so similar. I always stick my hand in the light to check to see if it was soft or hard and what direction it was coming. I use the palm side of my hand and Aaron did the same thing but on the back of his hand. Most IMPORTANTLY- he shoots Nikon and I shoot Canon, not really the most important but the battle goes on :)
The most important thing is that our visions were on same path. It was really nice because we didn't have to say anything to each other during the wedding. It was like, eye contact= BAM= we both know what we are doing, and not doing the same thing, which equals awesomeness. 
well, the couple was way awesome and were fantastic to photograph. I am not going to lie, I really enjoyed shooting them and shooting with Aaron. 


1 comment:

Dan Nersesian said...

Looks killer bro! Love the ceremony shot with the guests in the background. Isn't it great when you have the opportunity to get behind everything during outdoor ceremonies? Makes for great backgrounds! Definitely makes me miss San Clemente.