Shamar + Chris

I had another opportunity to second shoot Bobby Earle :)

I really enjoy second shooting cause I get to try a lot of things or work on other things I normally wouldn’t have the chance to do if they where my own client. The bummer part is that I never really get to know the couple, which is what I enjoy most about being a wedding photographer. Not in this case. For the short time, I got to know them I got to see the love for each other. There was nothing flashy about this wedding but good old fashion, down and dirty, infatuation.

the peak before she walks out

This is my favorite part about this wedding- after the ceremony they escaped to a little room and did their own little vows to each other all by themselves... AWESOME!

2nd best day ever!

Today was the 1-year anniversary from my kidney surgery...

This is my second most favorite day of my life, weird, I know. My favorite day is my wedding, obviously. But this was the day I felt the true meaning of marriage. This is where "in sickness and in health" came into play. If you know anything about Kelli, you know that she hates blood and won't do anything with medical stuff. Well... that all changed a year ago. After getting my kidney fixed and my internal plumbing reworked, I had some baggage, literally. For three months I had tube coming out of my side that was attached to my kidney on the inside and a bag on the outside. As I drank fluids, the bag filled up with urine and blood (gross to the max) and I was unable to empty it myself for a few weeks because I couldn’t bend over and reach the release valve. Kelli was there for my every need, gross as it may be. Blah blah blah, the whole reason for this post is to share how much I love my wife and how awesome she really is!

iphone, you phone

So today was a pretty fun day. I hung out with a fellow wedding photographer, Aaron Wilcox and his 2 year old son Riley. I brought my real camera to snap some photos but decided to leave it in the car and just use my iphone. Santa put a itunes gift card for 15 smackers in my stocking and it was burning a hole in my pocket, so I bought some apps for the iphone to make fun photos. I put the link for the app if you would like to use the same ones.... pretty fun stuff.



i made it on surfline, kinda

So I was killing time today on Surfline and was peeking at the various surf photographer's portfolios that they feature on the site. I saw the first photo and thought to myself that looks really familiar, holy smokes... I’m in that photo! Well, actually the back of my head is in that photo. I was the whitest guy for 1000 miles and was covering my back with a towel trying not to get burnt from the Tahitian sun. I was able to recognize the photo because I had one that was very similar to it. The second image below is the image I got from my boat. The rest are some of my favs from my little trip to the southern hemisphere.

^thats me on the right shooting on a small day at Teahupoo

k+t.... the san francisco treat

What a way to start off the New Year!!!!

I had the awesome opportunity to photograph my cousin Katie’s wedding in San Francisco. Normally I don’t like to shoot relatives’ or friend’s weddings because it can be tough, but this one didn’t feel like work.

This wedding was like no other… For one thing, it was on time- to the minute. Another thing is that they actually got married in August- so they had already been married for a few months. Let me elaborate. Thad is really smart and works on the other side of the world, but Katie is also really smart and she didn’t want her man leaving without her so they did a little civil marriage a few months ago. If you know anything about Katie, you know that she isn’t one to settle for a civil marriage so she, with the help of many others, planned this gorgeous wedding from the other side of the globe.

One of the things that made this wedding so amazing was the attention to detail. Katie and Thad (more so Katie) have their own and taste and it was apparent in every nook and cranny. You could really tell that this was no ordinary wedding because of how much love from family and friends was put into this wedding.

The wedding itself wasn’t MY favorite part… it was actually the day after. Kelli (who started her photography career) and I went over to my aunt and uncle’s house to share a slideshow of a 130+ images with the family along with the new (kinda) married couple. As we all sat around watching the photos fade in and out, I noticed my cousin crying. After the show, I asked why she was crying and she said after all is said and done those photos are all there is to remember the day and that those memories are irreplaceable. That is why I love my job.